lisbeth machina is an american digital artist.
she creates provocative, mainly figurative, digital paintings that are a fusion of historical motifs selectively styled in new light in order to challenge perspectives in a post-internet world.
from a young age she could often be found glued to the family computer, sitting atop a stack of books in order to reach the keyboard, and allowed internet explorer to lead her out of plato’s cave. however, what most encapsulated her attention was learning to create computer graphics, making stunning or entertaining things appear on the screen, creating digital art in microsoft paint and gimp by elementary school before quickly graduating to adobe products.
and then came online forums, memes, blogs, all allowing her to to observe strangers creating wildly new styles of art and engaging in discussions that she would otherwise have never of experienced that lead her down countless wikipedia rabbit holes. information at her fingertips; the great library of the 21st century. it was formative.
in march 2021 she began minting art on the ethereum blockchain.
she holds a bachelor of science in information technology